Nathania Francis is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of GNF Technologies since 2011. She practiced as a Critical Care Registered Nurse in a Cardiothoracic Unit since 2005. In 2009, her role expanded as a Critical Care Nurse Clinician where she worked in developing unit based protocols, nursing education, quality improvement and research projects; graduated Summa Cum Laude from SUNY Stony Brook State University. Nathania currently works as an Adult Nurse Practitioner in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, she is certified both as an adult primary care nurse practitioner and as a critical care nurse; she also attained the subspecialty certification in cardiac surgery. As an inventor she holds a patent in enteral feeding monitoring device, focusing in innovative and advanced nutritional technology.
David Lieberman has over 30 years of experience in state-of-the-art marketing, consulting and design of technology-based solutions for some of the world's largest corporations.
He has been a featured speaker at the National Communications Forum (NCF) where he chaired a session on Network Management in a Convergent Telecommunications Environment. He has presented to the Society for Cable Television Engineers (SCTE) where he spoke on the topic of Information Technology Trends and Directions in the Telecommunications Industry.
Earlier in his career, David held marketing positions for AT&T Global Information Solutions, Siemens Information Communications Networks, and Nortel Networks. David spent the first thirteen years of his career with Honeywell/Bull where he advanced from Technical Advisor to Director of Marketing for the Telecommunications Industry vertical.
David joined GNF Technologies in 2012 after serving as Director in Marketing for VTS Medicals.
As Vice President of Engineering, Holland is responsible for overall Strategy, Project Management and Research development of GNF Technologies. Holland manages a staff of engineers who plan, design, fabricate, and test all newly development products for GNF Technologies.
With over 41 years of experience an Electrical Engineer, Holland joined GNF Technologies in 2014. He has served as a Chief Engineer, Vice President for Special products, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and a member of the board of Directors for Radyne Corporation and GloblaNet Inc.
Earlier in his career, Holland worked for Technical Research Group (TRG) and CES Industries and was an independent consultant for Business Development for Broadata Communications Corporation. Holland also managed a staff of engineers who planned, designed, fabricated, programmed, and tested all newly developed products for VTS.
Holland holds a BS in Electrical Engineering and Electro-Physics.
Allan Katz is a holder of several patents for technology innovations in the healthcare industry and his reputation is known worldwide. His patent related to rotating contacts for light systems is still in use today and is considered the "gold standard" even though the patent for the technology has long since expired. Allan also holds patents for technology, as well as procedures, related to Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), Cardiac Surgery and High Definition (widescreen) endoscopes. He is also a featured speaker as well as editorial contributor to healthcare industry forums and trade publications.
Allan's reputation and clients are worldwide having assisted hospitals in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Among Allan's many accomplishments, was the first High Definition (HD) broadcast of an operation originating from NYU Medical Center.
Allan Katz was also the founder of VTS Medical Systems and Long Island Technology Group.
With a vast knowledge in innovative technology and development, Allan joined GNF Technologies in 2014 as Chief Technology Officer and oversees the R&D of GNF Technologies complete portfolio of products, and Intellectual Property.